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A pleasure for you!
New ceramic plate and bowl serie out now.

Scandinavian inspired lifestyle stores!


Hello – great your stopping by

Do you like good design, affordable prices and a place where you can buy everything from a toothbrush, nail polish and makeup, a new cool bluetooth speaker, toys for the kids, almost everything for the kitchen, gift for your friends and...   ...and do you like the Scandinavian simple and happy lifestyle too? Then you are in the right place now!


Pleased to meet you!

Lätt Liv means easy life in Swedish and we a chain of variety stores, born in Asia, made by Chinese and Scandinavians, going international offering your daily needs, the things you want and all you never knew existed! We created Lätt Liv, a universe of variety stores based on the best from 2 worlds combine into 1. A combination of the best from China and Scandinavia, East and West. Good design combined with very affordable products, carefully selected to fit a Scandinavian inspired lifestyle.


2 worlds in 1
What you want 01.jpg
What you need 01.jpg
What you dont know 01.jpg

We have 8 different product categories in our stores. Each month we change 100 to 300 items so there is always something new waiting for you!

Many people ask us why we are so cheap? We don't understand this question, instead we ask why everyone else is so expensive?

Lätt Liv's HQ is in Guangzhou where we are a mix of Chinese and Scandinavian people working closely together.

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